This weekend and up until Valentines Day, we will be serving our loved up hot chocolates ❤️ just order a luxury hot chocolate in our cosy cafe when visiting, and this tempting treat will be served 😋
**💓remember when visiting us today to take part in our charity raffle, donations are welcome too, but for ** £1 **you can be entered into our prize draw
This Valentine’s we want to spread the love!!
So we are hosting a charity raffle for British heart foundation!!
**Only £1 to enter our draw! Tickets available at our reception.
**Winner will be announced Tuesday on Valentine’s Day and will win –
** Giant cuddly teddy bear!!
** AND a certificate for 2 x 1 hour free bounces at Fusion Carlisle!!
Please, please help us raise money for such a good cause!!
Thank you, from The Fusion Team ❤️🥰